§ 280-56. Rate of fare.  

Latest version.
  • The fare to be taken by or paid to the owner, driver, or other persons having charge of any licensed vehicle for hire (classified as a taxicab), shall be as per the following schedule:
    For the first two-fifths (2/5) of a mile, a minimum charge of three dollars ($3.), and for each additional one-fifth (1/5) of a mile, sixty cents ($0.60).
    In addition to the mileage charge of three dollars ($3.), a charge for time in transit may be charged at the rate of forty-five cents ($0.45) per minute from the pick-up point to the drop-off point.
    A charge for waiting time may be charged at the rate of twenty-six dollars ($26.) per hour for actual waiting time beginning three (3) minutes after arrival of the taxicab.
    Hand bags may be carried by passengers without charge. The carriage of trunks shall be optional with the operator of the vehicle for hire, but if by the operator, an additional charge of fifty cents ($0.50) for each trunk may be added to the metered fare.